Monday, September 14, 2009

Tell the Angels not to get BBQ Sauce on their Wings.

Marvin Lyles and Gospel Sunrise Productions did their thing this past Saturday and I missed it. For $20 in advance or $25 at the door I could have had a blast. A Holy Ghost Blast that is (wink wink)!!! Gospel Wings 8 was held this past Saturday at the YMCA of Northwest Indiana. What makes this event so special was that the price of admission included all-you-can-eat-chicken wings. All You Can Eat Chicken Wings!!!!

Lord say it ain’t so! You mean I can hear your word and eat all the chicken wings that I want? You got preaching, singing and chicken eating all at the same time. It’s a black Baptist preacher's dream.


KST said...

Uh, what? This was a real event? Wow. Do you know how many people showed up?

Citizen Ojo said...

KST - what's up buddy? Sure it's a real event. It was advertised on the radio as well. Imagine hearing someone telling you about all the chicken wings you can eat while you are driving. Instant car crash!!! Nope I don't have the numbers but I wish I did...

KissMyBlackAds said...


That is so wrong and so right at the same time!
Make a brother give up his vegetarian ways.