“Members of the media, my name is Roland Burris, the junior senator from the State of Illinois.” – (Would Be/Could Be) Senator Roland Burris
I wonder what would make a man want to take a job where he has to hustle backwards from the beginning. I have heard of black folks getting banned from the job but not on the first day.
Burris appears to have a very high opinion of himself and feels that he is more than qualified for the job. I saw pictures of his future memorial in Oak Woods Cemetery on Chicago's South Side. I was hoping this was a joke but it appeared in the Chicago Sun-Times. This guy’s tombstone is huge!!!! It looks like something the Pharaohs would have built. Looking at the monstrosity I am wondering how many Egyptian slaves died in making this thing. When you watch Burris work the cameras, you have to admit he is enjoying the national spotlight. During the past decade, Burris has lost 5 races for Mayor, Governor’s office, and the State Senate. His key selling point is that he was never beat by a Republican. That essentially means that he never made it out of the primary race. So he was not capable of making it out of the primary and was blown out by Richard Daley for Mayor. Is this really the right guy to replace President Elect Barack Obama? Citizen Wifey said that people shouldn’t be so hard on the man. She said you should never tell someone that they can’t win. She then started quoting Aliya’s song “Try Again”. Well I’m a half glass kind of person so I am looking at his track record. HE CAN”T WIN RE-ELECTION.
I don’t have any personal issues with Burris. He reminds me of the guy that stumbles into a taping of a game show and then becomes a contestant. If you had lost 5 consecutive races for political office, and someone hands you this GEM….you would take it too!!! We all know what Blago’s roll in this is but he is not the only Schemer involved.
Chicago U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald started all of this by acting like McNulty on “The Wire”. He was working Blago’s phones mining for nuggets of information and got the mother load.
He has two major problems with his case.
1) He did not set a trap for Blago with bait. Everyone from Miami Vice to Mike Hammer knows that you have to set a trap for the bad guys.
2) He did not wait for Blago to take the trap with the bait. He was too quick when he pounced on this. He should have let Blago meet a person (i.e. informant) and then transact business. He probably never watched the Marion Berry tape. Marion Berry was in the hotel to meet an acquaintance (i.e. informant) and a transaction took place. The transaction was really just him smoking a crack pipe but you get the point.
Now Fitzgerald is saying he needs time to put his case together. What??? He needs to go watch some old episodes of Perry Mason asap!!!
The Democrats don’t have clean hands either. The verdict is still out on Senator Harry Reid. Maybe he does or doesn’t want a black person in Obama’s old seat. He had a conversation with Blago and I want to know what was discussed. I believe the seat should go to a qualified (as much as you can be these days) person regardless of color. But if Reid was against a black person becoming Senator PERIOD, we have got issues.
I am currently in the process of changing my political party from Democrat to Independent. It took me all of 34 years (yeah I’m slow) to figure out that Democrats are just as racist as Republicans. Democrats in Appalachia and Manhattan don’t have a problem with a black being congressmen or mayor of a majority black city. But if they want to be the President of the United States, that’s when black folks want too much. This is the same party that played dumb during the Bush Reign and let him walk all over the constitution. Congressman Bobby “I’m back in Black Panther mode” Rush is the worst. He basically called Obama a “Tom” when they were previously running against each other in Chicago. Now he is the poster child for Black Brotherhood? I guess we just pick and chose what black folks we want to support. What a clown!!!! Burris is not going to become the next martyr for civil rights. They tried to give that to the Jena 6 kids and that is turning out badly. If Rush wants to weed out the racists, he needs to start with the people that were involved in the Clinton Presidential Campaign.
I’m not a legal expert so I don’t know if Burris will ever be seated. I do know one thing. His journey here has been paved with a lot of foolishness. I’m sure he will relish his time in the spotlight. Also he will eventually become a footnote in the pages of history. Before all of this happens though, I want him to do one thing. Check to see if Blagojevich signed off on his direct deposit. It’s not his fault they won’t let him work but a Brother still has to get paid.