Mr. President Elect, I need to talk to you for a minute. I know you have a lot of important things to do. President Bush didn’t give you much to work with so I understand you are busy. BUT when you get things straightened out, I need to holla at you. Don’t be scared because I’m not going to ask for reparations. And I’m not going to ask you to change your choice for Secretary of Education. Even though I don’t think he is as qualified as others on your short list (i.e. Dr. Freeman Hrabowski). I would like to change the word African American though. Why do I have to hold a distinction with Teresa Hines Kerry because she is from Africa? I don’t even like Ketchup. But I digress…….I have a serious issue that I need you to deal with: College Football.
I heard you talking about it on 60 minutes so I know that we agree. The BCS Bowl System is a complete fraud. Every sport in the NCAA’s has a playoff system. That is the only way for a team or individual to get a fair shot. It doesn’t make sense that undefeated teams are always left out of the National Championship. The championship is paid and bought by corporations. Insurance companies, restaurants, and banks all control this wicked system. How do you call a game the San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl? This travesty has gone on long enough.
Mr. Obama, please convince the NCAA to go to a playoff system. I know that the NCAA and Greedy College Presidents will be hard to deal with. You don’t have to STRONG ARM them like Dick Cheney would. You can use your people skills to help you with this challenge. You believe in people working together for a common solution so it shouldn’t be hard. If you end up accomplishing this feat, you will go down as the Greatest President ever!!!!! Okay maybe not ever but a guy can still dream can’t he?
The Bowls produce the ability for people from every corner of the country (and Utah) to claim that their local team is number 1.
But it's not the NCAA - it's the Pac-10, the Big-10 and the Rose Bowl that always end the conversation.
It's so flawed though.....
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