Sunday, June 14, 2009

Introducing: The Fortitude Factor

Entrepreneur Nicole Balaam has written her first book: The Fortitude Factor.

The book can now be purchased from her web site You can also order the book on after July 11th. The book lays out the blueprint for putting dreams into action and making the impossible possible. I’m excited about this book because my girl Traci Benjamin is in it. She is one of 5 individuals talking about their life experiences and how they found their Fortitude Factor. Ms. Benjamin is also an Emmy Award Winning Television Producer. If you are looking for a book to read this summer please check this out. I’m not just saying this because I went to college with Nicole and Traci. Or because my wife is their sorority sister and Traci was on line with her. But for the past 2 months I have been highlighting entrepreneurs on my blog. I believe that supporting family owned/operated businesses is good for the economy. You keep the entrepreneurs employed and eventually they will hire people to help their business. A win win scenario for everyone. Besides, in this economy who couldn’t use a little motivation?

1 comment:

lincolnperry said...

I'm headed to Borders, need to take a look at this!