Detroit-area born, DC-area based musician Zo! and rapper/singer Phonte of the group Little Brother join together for Zo! and Tigallo Love the 80’s, a collection of 80’s cover songs.
Question: Why put a music link on your blog? Answer: Because radio sucks. Listen to individuals/groups that should be on radio
Sir, u r indeed correct abt radio (especially in Phoenix) being dead. We have no jazz station until after 8p on NPR, our "Smooth Jazz" is really nothing more than 80's Adult Contemporary.
I listen to more internet radio than anythng else and I'll give your boys a listen. Just cause you asked nicely.
Debo - I try to be nice but sometimes it might not come across on my blog: i.e. me grilling bob johson early and often.
You can find alot of good music on the radio. It's so much better than regular radio.
I've always loved "Little Brother". I know they're probably tired of th comparison, but they are like the "A Tribe Called Quest" of the south.
This should be an interesting project.
Rippa - Throw in a bit of De la Soul as well. They don't get nearly enough respect as some of these other so so artists. I don't believe NC truly appreciates them...
RADIO does NOT suck!! you are listening to the wrong thing. Just say you like music better Citizen O. There are some good brothers on the radio.
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