We are having a heated discussion in the Citizen Household regarding “The Man”. Citizen Wifey says that black men (myself included) need to stop blaming “The Man” for our problems. The term she uses is “stop using the white man as your crutch”. She says black men act like they are back in slavery by making those comments. Citizen Wifey believes black men are capable and we shouldn’t let anyone hold us back. In my opinion Citizen Wifey doesn’t know what she is talking about. I believe in blaming the man early and often. But the man I got beef with is not “All White Men”. I got a beef with “The Man”. I’m not talking about the white coal miner in West Virginia. I’m not talking about the white auto plant worker in Michigan. I’m not even talking about the white oil roughneck in Texas. I am talking about the white men that have power in America. The same one’s that send us to war and play games with our mutual funds. They work us to death on our jobs and lay us off when they need to save money. That is “The Man” I’m talking about. So when I come home and say “The Man” is on my back……he is!!! I went to get my haircut today and my barber said I looked tired. I told him “The Man”. He started talking that Citizen Wifey mess. If he wasn’t a good barber, I would’ve walked out without getting a haircut. Do I blame “The Man” for the weather being bad………….(well they could be more accurate) but nope. But I do blame him for the current Financial Crisis. If you watch the news lately, you will see that other people blame him too. Why do you think laid off workers are protesting in front of CEO’s homes? That’s “The Man” people!!! I told you my wife is wrong! I know we have been taught to believe that “The Man” is one person. Some white guy with white hair that wears an off white suit with brown shoes. “The Man” is a collective group of power brokers. And these individuals play us (you, me, your cousin and them) like a game of chess. I wish that I knew the correct name for them but I don’t. Calling them “The Organization” is so passé’. I like “The Man” better because it sounds more sinister. So the next time gas prices go up….blame “The Man”. If you don’t get a bonus next year on your job….blame “The Man”. Your retirement savings is depleted…..blame “The Man”. It’s not rocket science people!!! Unless you believe Citizen Wifey and think this isn’t true?
Yeah... I think that the assumption is that all white men are "The Man" (even by some white people).
Maybe Citizen Wifey, your barber or the guy in the next office just doesn't understand your definition.
Absolutely, most power brokers, and there inner circles are White Males, and those back room deals are being orchestrated by White Males. Most White Males still maintain coveted postions of control and authority, and arent trying to give this up, White Woman understand this and help them maintain systematic control. We brothers understand this...
I had a similar discussion with a black female friend last week, and she explained it to me in the most simplistic terms.
Most Black People rather be second class citizens in the 1st World than 1st class citizens in the 2nd World.
She said black women understand that it is easier for than to manipulate and manuever in this cultural and country, than in other places in the world. That doesnt necessary bode well for Black Males.
The plantation mentality still exist in America, White Males rather deal with a over educated compentent Black Female, who isnt going to rock the boat, and maintain the status quo, over a Black Male that has a perceived chip on his shoulder and threatens the social order!
UBJ - I think it is does involve the definition. I think when I use it-it comes off in a broad way.
LP - Thanks for joining the party. You female friend is brutally honest. But if she talks out of school like that other black women will call her crazy.
No shade against your wife...
But, I think her opinion is indicative of "independent" black womanist thought. Now I'm not sure of how old you two are, but I know it's not SUPER old, and I really think a lot of black women think that. But I think that's proof positive of old "willie lynch" tactics of dividing and conquering. I mean, I remember on campus having the men vs. women debate and it was always interesting to hear both sides. The older I got, I started wondering why haven't black men and black women learned to grieve together.
The Million Man March exposed some of our tacit issues of the sexes. Granted NoI is patriarchal as hell, but I mean, seriously, what was wrong with the united male solidarity?
Meh, that was a tangent, but y'all get my point.
Uppity - no shade taken... Yes we aren't super old. But we did start college when cross colours were in fashion.
Yes I do believe black womens thinking has to do with being independent (or the perception of). It seems like most of us are in some form of agreement. I'm not trying to get the sisters to automatically co-sign but some understanding would be nice. I think Lincoln Perry's female friend said it best.
I like your phrase "why haven't black men and black women learned to grieve together." Sounds like a future post to me....
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