9:00pm -
These young black kids have got to open their mouths when they talk.
Chris Rock has a good looking wife. I hope they aren’t still having problems because I’m here to help if they need it.
Another kid that thinks he’s going to play Professional Basketball.
These young black kids have got to open their mouths!!!!
Underdeveloped writing skills in 2009? Damn!!!
9:16pm -
I see you Desmond Tutu with the Benz!!!
So this guy can’t talk, can’t write and can’t read but can shoot the rock and play drums?
Who is that putting on a step show????
There are hoods all over the world…better ask someone!!!
Why is my wife flipping between “Black in America” and “So You Think You Can Dance” during commercial breaks? I’m missing Latino in America!!!
9:27pm -
Chris Rock better not see his wife holding that baby!!!
That kid doesn’t need shoes!! He needs a burger!!
I usually eat hot sauce with my worms.
Citizen Wifey, leave Malaak’s Gucci Shades alone…
That boy is taking pictures like a Black Peter Parker.
9:38pm -
How are you going to walk into the man’s house and not introduce yourself??
That girl’s momma used her Gov’t money to get her nails done.
Citizen Wifey hating on Howard….don’t be mad because your Momma didn’t let you go there.
Is his daddy happy that he got a D?? I wish that was my dad!!!
That boy is failing easy classes.
How does Malaak get these prison letters???
9:52pm -
That’s right!!! Keep it real with them. That’s how you gotta talk to them these days Principal Steve.
Community College and a High School Partnership……mmmmmm??? Interesting.
How do you get kicked out of Pre-School???
From the project to a Benz!!! My motivation of the week!!
Not pulling up the bridge behind you huh? You need to talk to Clarence Thomas!!!
Malaak did this show to get Chris a commercial!!! She’s still fine though!!!!
10:04pm -
Finally kids that can talk!!!
I see he doesn’t drive the Benz to pick the kids up. Smart move!!
Science Projects with no Science Labs?? Amazing!!!
How are you in 6th grade reading on a 2nd grade level?? We were fighting the war overseas when we really should have been fighting a war on education.
Finally an educator that’s not afraid to call out the Parents!!!
What kind of parent doesn’t even come to watch their children play football??? Must be an “Up North” thing.
A former crack head momma and an alcoholic father!! He’s trying to clean up his story but he is still a drunk!
10:16pm -
What is Post University??? If they are giving scholarships to minorities let me know!!
Her daddy didn’t say he was beating them!! He said he was verbal abuser. That liar….
Here we go with the Cosby Kids!!!
Direct TV just went out!! Must be a plot by the man to keep me from watching black folks on TV. Where were they when Citizen Wifey was watching The BET Awards!!!
10:31pm -
I’m missing this segment because Direct TV is out! I know they are talking about Jack and Jill. I wanted to clown them so badly. Citizen Wifey was in Jack and Jill and I clown her all the time. Am I jealous…maybe???
10:43pm -
My TV just came on and the TV is acting crazy!!! It has rained harder than this before oops…spoke too soon. We went from Black in America to Black on my TV set.
10:52pm -
Now my TV is back on. It’s too late because I missed all the bougie kids. I had jokes people!!!!
Mia, are you in high school? College? Oh College… I was wondering why people were asking for her number on Face book.
What is MLT??? Why was my cable out to miss all this?
John Stephens is John Legend??? Who knew??
Oh this part of the show dealt with overachievers. I don’t know anything about that.
I have mixed reviews on everything that I was able to watch tonight. I really don’t get the Africa segment. I believe it took the focus off of what’s going on in America. Black folks know that we got it bad all over. Maybe that was new to other people watching tonight. I am glad that they showed a balance tonight with our black youth. I missed the last 30 minutes due to Thunder, Lightning and Such. Or was it the MAN??? Tonight’s grade is a C+. It was a lot better than the first Black in America.
Ah come on Citizen, lets give Soledad some brevity, in all honesty I give it a C+, depending on tonites performance I change it to a B-!
LincolnPerry - you must be grading on a curve. ha ha ha
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