This was a tough week for everyone’s favorite public citizen (yours truly). Citizen Wifey was flipping out because of a letter I received this week. It wasn’t from an old flame, or a strip club $2 Tuesday coupon. The letter was from the Republican National Committee in Washington D.C. Actually the letter sounded like John McCain wrote it. The letter went like this:
Dear Friend,
I don’t want to believe you’ve abandoned the Republican Party, but I have to ask… Have you given up?
Our records show we have not yet received your Republican National Committee membership renewal for the critical 2008 presidential election year.
As the Treasurer of the RNC, I know our Party’s success depends directly on grassroots leader like you.
So I am surprised and concerned especially because I know how generously you supported President Bush and the RNC in the past. You helped to advance our vision for America and elect Republicans at all levels of government.
I know other things come up, and perhaps you’ve just been delayed in renewing your membership. If that’s the case, I understand.
But we’ve not heard from you this year – and I hope you haven’t deserted our Party.
You generous financial assistance and active involvement are more important than ever as we work to elect a Republican president and Congress.
There is so much at stake. The Democrats are determined to put a liberal like Barack Obama in the White House, expand their narrow majorities in the U.S. House and Senate, and push our country to the left with their agenda of high taxes, big government and weakened national security.
Big Labor, radical liberal protest groups and Hollywood elites are planning to spend more than $500 Million to defeat Republicans and aid the Democrat power grab.
The RNC relies on the voluntary support of Republican activists like you.
That’s why I urgently need you to renew your RNC membership for 2008 with a contribution of $1000, $500, $250, $100, $50, or even $25.
The men and women who will represent us in this year’s elections are hard at work building strong campaigns.
What do the Republicans have against Movie Stars (The Hollywood Elite)? You would think that they don’t watch movies. The last movie Republicans probably watched was Birth of a Nation. Citizen Wifey was so disturbed by this that I thought she was going to spray the mailbox down with Lysol. I’ve never met a woman that had such a dislike for the Republicans. I thought that the letter was part of the Republicans political caging list. An example of political caging involves sending letters to predominantly black neighborhoods, and when the letters are returned as undeliverable, the senders compile a challenge list to remove those voters from the voting rolls. Maybe they truly just want money? Someone has to pay for Cindy McCain’s outfits.
I also received a DVD in the mail from The Clarion Fund. If you are reading this, you are now asking yourself the same thing I did: What is a Clarion Fund?
They are a non partisan organization that educates American Citizens about issues of national security. Their main focus is on America’s favorite boogey man Radical Islam. The name of the DVD: OBSESSION Radical Islam’s War against the West. The DVD is from a film that originally aired on CNN.
Michael Medved from Eye on Entertainment said about the film:
“Obsession is one of the most powerful, expertly crafted and undeniably important films I’ve seen this year…. And merits serious consideration for the Academy Award for Best Feature Length Documentary.”
Well thanks Mr. Medved for giving the film Five Gats out of Five. A documentary about terrorists should receive an Academy Award? Osama Bin Laden must be up for best actor. He puts out more tapes than Ron Jeremy. Why during an election would they send out such a film? They say they are non partisan but their agenda seems suspect to me. So between The Grand Ole Party and Muslim Radicals my mailbox was full of foolishness.
Why would I give money to a political party where only 36 of the 2,380 delegates seated at their convention floor were black, the lowest number in 40 years? You want my money but I have to sneak in the back to give it to you. Thanks, but no thanks.
I also don’t need a video to scare me into submission. I’m not going to trade my civil rights in for my freedom. American’s did that already and all we have to show for it is wiretapping. If I want to see a video on terrorists, I will go rent one. I don’t need it crammed down my throat.
I never thought I would see the day when Bills in the mailbox looked so attractive.
1 comment:
Yeah, I just heard on CNN this morning that they're going to be on the lookout for the letters and the radio ads which they were saying are going to make the TV ads look like Three Mo' Tenors commericals on PBS.
Meh, I guess in both of my zipcodes they know better. (Our house is five blocks away from Obama's in Chicago)
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