Who jump-started Obama last night? That man was on fire!!! He came out swinging like a kid fighting for his life. I know people are saying it was a tie, but if you look at his previous debates – it’s a huge improvement!! McCain looked so pissed off that I know he wanted to say the “N” Word. Foreign Policy is McCain’s specialty and he couldn’t take Obama out. Both candidates show that they have a mastery of Foreign Policy so kudos to them. I wonder does Sarah Palin know anything about the Middle East? She might not if she can’t see it from the border of Alaska. I do think that he shouldn’t agree with McCain by saying "john is right". That is just a personal preference though. What I love and hate about Obama is his gentleman like nature. It definitely has its place but when you are dealing with the Republicans you can’t always be nice. The Republicans play the dirtiest games and you have to know how to fight them. But……maybe that was part of his strategy because he wants to show bi-partisanship.
"Both candidates show that they have a mastery of Foreign Policy "
It's unfortunate that "foreign policy" is now defined as "stay if you want to protect our oil interests, leave if you want to appease the rest of America who isn't heavily vested in oil companies (97+% of us)".
Truthfully, there is and never was a war in Iraq. The people of that country just want us to leave b/c we're killing and injuring them by the hundreds of thousands yearly. Anyone (Obama, McCain, Biden or Palin) who wants for us to stay is simply leading efforts by the elite who own "American, The Corporation", ie, Rockafeller and friends who are the oil barrons.
Obama wants a job, to be CEO/President of America, The Corporation. The real shareholders of this corporation are not the voters... so he has to appease the people and organizations who are the real shareholders in America, The Corporation (Big banks, Oil companies, etc). Only then will he get the job appointment that he wants, just as long as his polices, in foreign policy and other areas, align with their interests.
Thanks for checking out my blog a few weeks back. I appreciate all the exposure I can get. As for this entry, I'm inclined to believe what you're saying. For some reason, most people are walking on eggshells, afraid to pick a clearcut winner, but recent polls suggest that Obama was the winner. Some articles are finally popping up declaring such. I guess we have to wait and see how it affects the undecideds.
t.l. corners.. not a problem.. I have to wonder if the media is involved in any of this spin. It appears that there is info on Palin that is not making it's way to mainstream media. Why isn't her minister gettting the same kind of attention as Rev. Wright??? The Great American Double Standard. Is the MSM trying to keep this race close for ratings?
BTW...dg, What has happen to you? Did Ralph Nader kidnap you and replaced you with one of his minions....
School Bruh! haha -- I get ghost from August to December, January to May!
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