Bobby Jindal needs a personality transplant. He seems like a nice enough guy but so is the guy that delivers my mail. His response to Presidents Obama’s speech put me to sleep. He sounded like he was reading a bedtime story. Typical Republican responses... pull yourself up by your boot straps, bad Government, etc etc. It’s hard to pull yourself up when you aren’t wearing boots. What I don’t like about the Republicans is that they are in denial. I always said that they have an image problem. They don’t know how to connect to certain groups in our society. There are groups that they don’t even try to connect to. Gov. Jindal shouldn’t be all that proud to use the response to Hurrican Katrina as an example of how Government can fail you. Citizens were left for dead by a slow Government response. The head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency was unqualified and out of his league. People still haven’t been able to rebuild their homes. Not to mention that the city had crime and educational issues before the water came. Gov. Jindal is the same guy that wants to turn down unemployment benefits. And this is because they are in the stimulus package. I know he has political aspirations but come on dude??? People are out of work and losing their jobs. The Republican response to all issues: Tax Cuts For The Wealthy….
I didn’t want my blog to be a cheering section for Obama. Sure I voted for him. But I also changed from Democrat to Independent because of the 2008 campaign. I want to hold all politicians accountable. On some issues I am liberal….moderate…..and conservative. I just can’t see myself as a Republican. The black Republicans that they have seem so removed from the daily lives of most black folks. Because we are all black doesn’t mean we should always agree. But there has to be some common ground…….somewhere!!! Pandering to the far right does not impress me. It actually turns me off. The Republicans need to stop bragging about being the party of Lincoln. They also need to stop bragging about how far the country has come with the election of the first black president. After running all those race baiting ads during the 2008 campaign. They don’t have the right to be proud of this moment. The American people are hurting right now and they need help. They can’t pull themselves up by the bootstraps to get out of this one. Yes American citizens will need to make sacrifices. But ultimately the Government will come up with the plan to get us out of this mess.
Bobby Jindal is Palin part II in my opinion. He seems to be saying the "right things" just to further his political career, regardless of how he sounds. He's a political puppet to me.
I hope this isn't a situation where people are trying to out minority the minority. "You have one, we have one too."
Bobby J. is in for a rude awakening – waking out so gingerly. smile Not only did he change his name- doubt about who he is, he was conceived somewhere else. Wasn’t that what the Republicans were trying to say about Obama? All this “I am so conservative,” to me, is just another way for some folks to hide prejudice. If the GOP was really trying to help Americans, they wouldn’t be stepping on each other’s toes. True caring (patriotic) comes across in a positive way.
When you talk too much you give away your secret and it lets others know how smart you are
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