Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Closed for the rest of the Year

Monday, December 28, 2009
End of the Year Music Showcase

Mayer Hawthorne
Speech Debelle
Shayna Steele
Esperanza Spalding
Raydar Ellis
Paris Nicole
Sound of the City DC
Nia Andrews
Question: Why put a music link on your blog? Answer: Because radio sucks. Listen to individuals/groups that should be on radio.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
How do you grade a Cultural Icon?

No one said it was easy being the Head of the American Empire. Every two months someone is grading President Barack Obama on his performance. I can’t remember previous presidents being graded in this manner. But since he is the “First Black” President, it is of no surprise. That means he is graded on a different presidential scale. Such is life!!! But it’s well within the rights of American Citizens to critique their leaders. If you listen to the Mainstream Media, they would have you believe that “every race and gender has a bone to pick with Obama.”
If you listen to Black Talk Radio, some black folks are heated with the 1st Brother in Chief. They are upset because they feel he does not care about black folks. High unemployment rates for black men and problems with metropolitan school districts are serious points of contention. I understand the pain in their voices but I believe they forgot something important. Obama didn’t run on a black issues platform. His run for the White House was based on America being color-blind. So there is no need for black folks to be upset about something Obama didn’t promise. What we can be upset about is his philosophy of “a rising tide lifts all ships.” Uneven unemployment numbers based on race and ongoing discrimination in hiring can’t be overlooked. It’s apparent that some people are riding in motorboats and others canoes.
What bothers me is not the criticism of Obama but the complaints from black folks when he is criticized. It’s as if he can’t do wrong and if you have a problem with him you are a traitor to your race. Why do Black Folks place such blind faith in their elected leaders? These people make a living off of telling you what you want to hear. They are most effective when you hold their feet to the fire. I don’t think that Obama doesn’t care about black folks. I believe he has different people in his ear (asking for STUFF) and he has to please them all. If you look at most modern day presidents, different ethnic groups had to stay on top of them in order to push their agendas. Why do we act like because Obama is black things will be different? If you look at who is surrounding him, you can see that not much has changed since Bill Clinton was in office. He practically has the Clinton Administration working for him. And although Clinton was the originally 1st black president (Per Toni Morrison), ethnic groups had to stay on him too.
Why isn’t it possible to separate Obama the man from Obama the President? How are we supposed to keep our politicians honest when we hold allegiances to them based on race? I’m personally not pleased with some of Obama’s decisions but I don’t think he is a total failure. There is a difference between wanting someone to fail and giving them constructive feedback. As black folks we need to know the difference. We can’t have serious debates regarding the issues if we can’t accept different viewpoints. The year 2010 is around the corner and “WE” have got to do better. We have people that don’t even know what the public option is and why we need it. It’s obvious that black folks don’t understand how the political game is played. We have to hold these politicians accountable regardless of race or gender. They work for us!!! They are not celebrities!!! If we treat them as such, they gain a false sense of security. Then they become lazy and stop doing what we elected them to do. In the end, that’s when it comes back to bite us in the behind (City of Detroit anyone???).
Friday, December 25, 2009
I don't believe in Santa but if I did, I would tell him to please send the troops flak jackets for Christmas.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Bah! Humbug

American consumers are foolish for thinking that department stores care about them. They will entice you to get a credit card and tell you to shop until you drop. But be late on one payment. The cards interest rate will rise faster than Tiger Woods at an all White Party. You’re children’s children’s children will still be paying off on your 2009 Christmas purchases. Do these people even like the people they are buying gift for? If you are living with a man for 30 years and he hasn’t married you yet, why are you getting him a gift? He should come home and see his stocking missing. If you don’t get a diamond that joker should get s lump of coal and the boot. If you are dating a woman that you can’t afford why are you going broke trying to impress her? She most likely doesn’t even love you. She is really waiting on something better to come along. You should know this by the hints she keeps giving you. When you ask her about the future don’t you see her looking out the window? Merry Christmas Suckers!!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
If Shane Sparks gets booted from MTV’s America’s Best Dance Crew, who will sit beside Lil Mama?

December is starting to be a bad month for black men and the women they love..er…like….er…..kick it with? Sparks has been accused of R Kelly-esque dealings with minors. Unfortunately for Sparks, what he was accused of doing makes R Kelly look like Father Flanagan from “Boys Town.” Usually when a celebrity gets in trouble we always act shocked. Just because we watch someone on television we think we know them. The reality is that we don’t know these people from a Dish Towel. Sparks is a talented choreography but that’s all we really know. For his sake and the victims I hope that all this is a misunderstanding. But the sad reality is it probably isn’t.
In the meanwhile, inquiring minds want to know what will happen to his seat on America’s Best Dance Crew (ABDC). Sparks provided credibility to the program because of his work experience. JC Chasez danced back in the day with the White Temptations…oops…Backstreet Boys....oops….’N Sync. But Lil Mama, what in the blue blazes does she do? That chick has one possibly two songs and she gets a hosting gig on a dance show?? Her record catalogue looks like a bad spades hand – 1 and a possible. Her best performance was when she jumped on stage with Jay – Z and Alicia Keys. Because of Lil Mama other shows have followed suit with obtaining unqualified talent. America Idol anyone!!! If they did have to get a replacement, I wonder who would it be? Any suggestions???
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The Charlotte Police Department might have questions for Loleini Tonga. But the Grammar Police have questions for her too.

Loleini Tonga, the fiancé of Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chris Henry, had the following statement on her Myspace page.
“Mrs. C. Henry Jus put deposIt down 4 weDDing piCs... Paid 4 ouR riNgs... Bout 2 eaT wiT my maN n bay bayz.... Startin 2 geT a headache thinKing bouT dis weddin.. I need A cuP.”
I’m not going to even try to decipher what any of that means. But I have a question for anyone that is reading this. Apparently Tonga is a graduate of North Carolina A&T University with a degree in Communications (per her Myspace page). I was talking to another person that majored in Communications and they were appalled by the above wording. I know with Twitter sometimes we abbreviate because we only have 140 Characters. I’ve seen people write on Myspace before and they used complete sentences. So my question is. Keeping in mind that this is supposed to be a college educated woman. Is there anything wrong with this or is it much ado about nothing?
Friday, December 18, 2009
In Remembrance Of
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I'm Guest Blogging over @ BlacknBougie this week.

My cyber cousin OneChele is giving a shout out to the Brotha's on her blog with "I Love Black Men Week." Check me out while I drop knowledge this week for the ladies.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Rihanna using nudity as therapy or is she covering up the pain?

I was looking at the latest issue of GQ Magazine and was having a hard time figuring out who was on the cover. At first I thought it was another white woman attempting to hitch a ride on the Tiger Woods train. But then I realized that it was a pale-ish looking Rihanna. I didn’t know she was that light (keeping the black under wraps maybe)? Better yet, I didn’t know she was that naked?
I have been trying to understand Rihanna since the day Chris Brown used her as a punching bag. I didn’t understand when after the beating she was seen with Brown at the beach. I didn’t understand when naked photos (that she took of herself) of her came out a few weeks later. And now she’s on the cover of GQ Half Naked? Is this publicity for her album or is this how she really is? Is she supposed to be a role model for young girls? I don’t want to give her that title if it’s not something that she advocated for. But it seems that I see a lot of young girls listening to her music. Maybe the parents of those kids don’t mind her song content. Songs that talk about “getting her hair pulled” while having sex.
It’s not my place to determine how a person should act after they suffered abuse. But I personally find Rihanna’s behavior odd. Her recent actions are negating the seriousness of what happened between her and Chris Brown. You just can’t tell whether or not she understands what truly took place. Is she even bothered by what happened? I’m against abuse against women so it bothers me to ask the questions. But something isn’t right!!
I believe Rihanna’s handlers have done her a disservice. Instead of getting her counseling, they have decided to continue with “BUSINESS” as usual. Her handlers have her selling records, performing concerts, and doing interviews. Interviews that have her looking and sounding like a child. Her handlers may think that everything is back to normal but her actions tell a different story. Rihanna is in the public eye and she still suffers in private. Just like so many other young women her age that suffer from physical abuse.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Three Flawed Ideas that Could Mean a Cold Homecoming from Copenhagen.
The following review is sponsored by FSBMedia
International conferences have one thing in common with vacations: they're great while you're there, but coming home to workaday reality can be painful.
The Copenhagen conference on climate change could turn out like that. The session will be full of world leaders, bold speeches, and promises to shift the world away from fossil fuels. When he's at the conference, President Obama will pledge a 17 percent cut in greenhouse gases for the United States, even though legislation is barely moving in Congress. Eventually he'll have to come home and sell the American public on all the hard work needed to make that happen.
The problem is that many Americans have latched onto three flawed ideas that sound good, but that in reality are improbable or just plain wrong. Left unaddressed, they could derail debate and make it extremely difficult to make progress. The scary thing is that most experts know these ideas are far-fetched, but politicians often embrace them anyway.
Here's a look:
Flawed Idea #1: We Should Be Energy IndependentFor a country that got its start with the Declaration of Independence, it's easy to see why this phrase has an attractive ring to it, especially when it implies that we can show OPEC and Hugo Chavez the door. Unfortunately, policy organizations across the political spectrum, ranging from the Council on Foreign Relations to the Brookings Institution and the Cato Institute, all say actual independence is a pipe dream.
A little history is useful here. The last time the United States could supply all its oil needs was the year Elvis Presley got his draft notice: 1957. Almost all our cars, trucks, and planes run on petroleum-based fuels, and we import nearly 60 percent of the oil we use. This isn't going to change quickly.
In fact, the federal government is projecting we'll still be importing about 40 percent of our oil in 2040. And don't expect having more domestic oil to protect us from price swings. There's a global market in oil, and that will continue whatever we do. U.S. energy companies buy and sell their products and services worldwide, as do oil companies elsewhere.
Experts point out that Great Britain, which exports oil thanks to its North Sea offshore rigs, gets hit just as hard by world oil prices as we do. The far better strategy, most experts say, to make sure we have lots of different sources of energy -- not just oil -- supplied by lots of different companies in lots of different places. It's that old "don't put all your eggs in one basket" thing, because even a U.S. basket full of U.S. eggs might have problems -- such as hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico knocking out a chunk of U.S. oil production and refining. Then we might be happy to import a little oil from somewhere else.
Flawed Idea #2: Cheaper Is BetterIn tough economic times, nobody wants to pay more for anything, especially gas. It hurts millions of people who are just trying to stay afloat, and makes everything from toasters to pop tarts more expensive, because nearly everything we buy gets shipped in something running on some form of oil. But really cheap energy has some worrisome downsides.
For a start, cheap energy means there's no incentive to change. Cheap gas leads normally reasonable people to buy cars that practically inhale the stuff. Not to mention the fact that when conventional energy prices are low, alternatives can't get off the ground because they can't compete. Really cheap oil prices even reduce investment in oil itself, especially oil in out-of-the-way places and "unconventional" forms.
Flawed Idea #3: We Can Fix This Fast If We Want To Almost every day you hear about another fantastic new energy breakthrough -- new technologies, new sources of energy, new products that use energy much more efficiently. Some of them might very well work out nicely eventually, but just because something's on TV doesn't mean it's ready for prime time.
Take hydrogen fuel cells, for example. The technology dates back to the Apollo space program in the 1960s, and it could be a great source of electricity with little pollution. But experts say it will take years of research before you can make fuel cells light enough and practical enough for cars. Plus, just having the technology isn't enough. It's got to make sense economically. Yes, there are people out there who'll pay more because a product is "greener," but realistically most customers won't buy an electric car if it's significantly more expensive than a regular one -- and for the foreseeable future, they will be. Even things we know how to do take time. There may be wind turbines sprouting up all over Texas, but experts say a reasonable goal is for the U.S. to get 20 percent of its energy from wind by 2030 -- 20 years from now. Countries like France rely on nuclear power to reduce emissions, but Watts Bar, one of the last nuclear plants built here, took 23 years to go from initial construction to actual operation. Clean coal is an option, but the best estimates are that we could have 40 percent of coal plants using technology that removes carbon dioxide by 2050.
Quick, cheap and made in the USA is a good slogan, but it's wishful thinking at best, and a dangerous distraction at worst. Solving energy problems means thinking realistically about what we can do -- and how quickly we can do it. If we don't, the President's pledge in Copenhagen may be a promise with no pay-off.
By Scott Bittle & Jean Johnson, Authors of Who Turned Out the Lights: Your Guided Tour to the Energy Crisis
For additional material, please visit www.whoturnedoutthelights.org
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
R Kelly “Getting It In” on World Aids Awareness Day.
Robin Thicke, you should know better!!! Most white folks stopped hanging out with O.J. Simpson after her got off (the 1st time). You better follow your peoples!!!!
Monday, December 07, 2009
To the Coward that shot the college student at my Alma Mater.

You are the reason why black folks can’t get ahead. You hold us back with your ignorance and evil tendencies. You had an altercation with someone at a club and you plotted to get your revenge. But in your haste to get some “payback”, you shot the wrong person. You shot someone’s daughter, future wife, and future mother. You shot a future Lawyer, Doctor, Teacher, or Entrepreneur. It is a blessing that she was not killed. What a loser you must be. You couldn’t even shoot straight!!! If no one has told you, I want you to know that you are a waste. The fact that you are breathing air should be a crime. You are taking up space that should go to someone else. Like most urban criminals in Charlotte, you probably have a rap sheet longer than an elephant’s trunk. You probably have been arrested before and it’s a guarantee you will be arrested again. If local repeat offender history is correct, you will spend your days going through the prison system only to be released back into society too early. I am sick of you. The rest of the community is sick of you. The only people that support you are the same people that you pray upon. And that’s because they are too ignorant to know when they are being used and abused. If I had faith in the system, I would hope for your capture and imprisonment. But I doubt you will ever come to justice. At this point I hope that the college student heals (physically, emotionally and mentally) and is able to continue her education.
The Failure of Media: The 20/20 Chris Brown Interview.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Whose role is it to tell you when to play your position?

The Head of the Secret Service did the noble thing and fell on his sword. In his testimony at the congressional hearing for the incident, he fessed up and took the heat. He admitted that his people slipped up and assumed that someone else was going to do their jobs. If you are unsure about someone, then you need to speak out and not pass the buck. President Obama has had more death threats than any president in the last 20 years. And now all of a sudden the Secret Service is stretched thin? Obama better take a hint and carry his own weapon. The secret about the Secret Service is that they aren’t on their “A” Game.
But if you think the mainstream media is satisfied with the Secret Service mea culpa, don’t be. They have set their sights on the White House Social Secretary – Desiree Rogers. Apparently in the media’s eyes, Desiree Rogers forgot her place. And they are none too glad to put her back in it. The issue regarding her was what she should be doing vs. what she actually was doing. In the past, Social Secretaries (per the Pundits) were behind the scene players. They made sure the train ran on time. They didn’t take pictures and sit with the guests. There job was to make sure the party goes off without a hitch. They were hired help!!!! Rogers did a no no. She took some pictures and actually sat down with the guests (GASP!!). The media hated that with all their hearts. They only like it when people know their place. Opps……when “certain people” know their place. Some people already feel the Obama’s are uppity and Rogers didn’t help change that perception.
I personally believe that Rogers should have been working behind the scenes. Not because they said so on MSNBC “Morning Joe” but because making sure of the details behind the scenes (no matter how small) is an important job. I hate that I am in agreement with some of the pundits. I believe the pundits’ problem with Rogers is more than her job performance. I feel they think that Rogers is too big for her britches. But I can’t fault her for all of the mess. She was a Socialite before she took the gig at the White House. So she is use to being the center of attention and not a side character. The Obama’s knew that or at least they should of. The city of Chicago can’t be that big. Besides Rogers friend is White House Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett. And Jarrett is friends with the Obama’s. This is why Rogers is not going to testify before a congressional hearing to discover what went wrong at the State Dinner. Is it Rogers’ fault that the White House didn’t vet their employees (again!!!)? Nope!! Mama always said you get what you pay for. It has been proven that Rogers can throw an amazing function that is worthy of great praise. But if you expect Rogers to sit back in the kitchen counting cups and checking off lists….don’t.
Rogers is not a 1960's Social Secretary. We are going to have to let her define the position as she sees it. Regardless of how we feel of the duties she is or isn’t doing. It’s not our job to Monday morning quarterback her on the State House dinner. Her job doesn’t make policy decisions or promote any legislation. The extent of what she does is very limited. The position is actually a glorified event planner. I don’t think she deserves to be fired but she does need to testify. President Obama campaigned on transparency. That should apply to him and those that work for him.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
The Black Middle Class is on Life Support in Post-Obama America.

When Barack H. Obama was elected president in 2008, he won on a platform of hope and change. Political Pundits called America “Post Racial” and declared that all was right with the world. That starry night in November was filled with tears of joy. Black women and men wept like children. Their tears were for all the people that made that night a reality. This election was also a validation of the black middle class. These were black folks that did everything the “right way” and didn’t feel the need to apologize for it. They received an education and used their degrees to obtain jobs. They started in their companies at the bottom and worked their way up. They used the money from their jobs to buy homes and put their children through college. Meanwhile they built wealth for their families and went on annual family vacations. Many obtained job titles to place in front of their names. They became the model of what you could do if given the opportunity. Don’t think for one moment that it was easy for them. They still dealt with racism (even in Post-Obama America things haven’t changed) but they always bounced back to fight another day. Booker T. Washington would have been proud.
Almost a year later the black middle class is fighting for survival. Blacks working in the financial, health care, retail and manufacturing sectors have lost jobs due to the financial crisis. These losses have reversed many of the financial gains that have been made by the black middle class. Money that was planned for retirement is now being used to keep the lights on. Money put aside for college is now being used to pay for groceries. Jobs these days are few and far between. It’s hard going from a project management position to bagging groceries as a full time job. But with an unemployment rate for black men of 15.7% what can one expect. The “Blue Collar” black middle class has a situation that looks even worse than their “White Collar” brethren. Their manufacturing jobs are going away without any realistic expectation of returning. What does a person do when they have been working in textiles and automobiles for 40 years? You are looking at people that will have to learn to cross train into another field. That means workers as old as 60 are attempting their 2nd act in life.
This is not Obama’s fault that we are in this recession/depression. I merely mentioned his name because of the irony in our current situation. American blacks have the highest unemployment rates and a black man is the president of the United States. Many blacks had this fairy tale notion that Obama would cure all ills. They thought he would stop gang violence, teen pregnancy, and have an all black cabinet (if you don’t believe me listen to black talk radio sometime). Some are even complaining that Obama doesn’t have a black agenda (when you find out what a black agenda looks like let me know). This is a case where expectations do not match the realities of the day. My concern about this is what happens when America finally “rights the ship.” Blacks will be behind in how much money they have via stocks, and savings. How many kids will have to forgo college because their parents couldn’t afford for them to go? How many workers will have to work past retirement in order to keep their house lights on? I must reiterate that this is not about who has the biggest grievance. But with one race having the highest unemployment rate, this one-sidedness must be discussed. Unemployment has been hard for many Americans but for others it has been the kiss of death. Is there a possibility that we looking at a smaller black middle class in the future? If that is the case, then the working poor will definitely increase in ranks.
For some blacks these events will be seen as a wakeup call. Expect to see more minority businesses being formed. Some will be very small (i.e. no more than 5 employees) but they will be formed by folks who want to take destiny into their own hands. It is always nice to call your own shots but most people will still need to work in the private/public sector. They say that there is always a silver lining in every cloud. Well the current economy is mostly cloudy with a 100% chance of rain. And Until the economy changes, the black middle class will have to weather the storm the best they can. Or there might not be much left after the crisis is over.
What do you think?
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
How people waste money in Charlotte N.C.

Exhibit A.
Charlotte Bobcats Center Alexis Ajinca is being sent back to the NBA's development league again. The key word is “Again”. This will be his second time playing in the development league. There is something wrong with this whole scenario. How do you have a player that received $1.47 million in guaranteed money and they still need development? This is the same guy that the Bobcats selected for their 20th pick in the 2008 NBA draft. Because of this selection they still owe the Minnesota Timberwolves a future first-round pick. Are the Bobcats still letting Michael Jordan make personnel decisions? I hope not because he wasn’t successful in that role for the Washington Wizards.
Exhibit B.
The Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services misplaced $162,000 in donation money. The money was intended to go to needy children. Instead the money went to purchase $340 earrings, and a $300 DVD player. To make matters worse it was reported that a donor called DSS to make a donation. The employee allegedly informed the donor to make the check out to her sister (yes, you heard me, the employees sister). These events did not stop the Mecklenburg County Manager from receiving a $38,400 bonus last month. Or as my wife says repeatedly “$38,400 is a person’s yearly salary!!”
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Blame it on the Twinkies, Blame it on the Ho Ho’s, Blame it on the Obeeeeeeesity!!!

I witnessed a double standard with black folks this week. Apparently we are up in arms when Morehouse College implements a dress code for their students. But when Lincoln University told students they couldn’t graduate if they were overweight, all I heard was crickets. It seems when men are asked not to wear purses and high heels it’s an issue. But when they are told they’re too fat, it’s not even worthy of a debate. Is this because we live in a society where fat people are treated as second class citizens? Gay men might not be able to marry but they have supporters for their right to wear Stuart Weitzman handbags. But it’s too bad if you look like one of the “Klumps.” The cheering section you’re expecting is going to be empty.
Lincoln implemented a mandatory program called “Fitness for Life.” Lincoln decided to be pro active in helping a demographic (i.e. black folks) that tips the scale. Overweight students will have to take a physical education class (3 times a week) before they can graduate. It’s no surprise that black folks are struggling in the weight department. Whether it’s the lie told around the world “oh they’re just big boned”, or the lack of healthy food options in low economic neighborhoods. Blacks suffer from hypertension and diabetes in higher numbers compared to other races. But it’s not up to a college or university to correct these problems. This is where individual responsibility comes into play. If you eat bacon and sausage everyday for breakfast, then you’re asking for trouble. You have to learn to eat certain foods in moderation. Or you might have to give them up.
I know you are probably saying “What about the drugs in our livestock??” I know they are putting antibiotics in our chickens and cows. With chicken breasts the size of medium pizzas, I know something is up. It’s also the reason middle school girls look like college freshmen. Or why a 5th grade kid looks like he could be an offensive lineman for the Carolina Panthers. But that can’t be used as an excuse for looking like mini Jabba the Hut. You shouldn’t have to catch your breath walking up two flights of steps. And your car shouldn’t lean to one side. These are signs that it’s time to shed some pounds. Let’s hope that Lincoln can work this out so the kids can graduate. I think they can implement this program in a way that’s fair. Just extend your regular PE program for 1 semester every year. This will make “Fitness for Life” part of their regular curriculum. That’s a win-win situation that everyone can live with.