A white hotel owner in New Mexico wants his Latino workers to use “Anglicized” names on the job. Larry Whitten, the hotel owner, has been in the hotel business for a minute so maybe he knows what he is doing. Or does he? Whitten was concerned that his employees might start speaking Spanish so he told them to only speak English in his presence. Whitten had said that “people calling from all over America don’t know the Spanish Accents or the Spanish culture or Spanish anything.” He also said that his employees were hostile and some called him “the white (N) word.”
SIDE NOTE - If someone knows Mr. Whitten, can they ask him what exactly is a “white N word?”
The hotel (which is probably in actuality a motel – ha ha, just jokes…) is located in Taos, New Mexico. Just like everyone else outside of New Mexico I’ve never heard of the place. Actress Julia Roberts has a ranch there (if anyone was interested). If you look at any pictures of the city on line, it looks like the set of a western movie. I was actually waiting to see a stage coach in front of city hall. Apparently it is a hip vacation spot for skiers and people that enjoy wine. Who Knew????
I wonder what would have happened if Whitten took over a hotel in downtown Detroit. Would he tell Keisha to change her name to Karen? Would he tell his black employees to stop speaking in Ebonics? People don’t speak English in America anymore!!! Look at all the ads geared toward Latinos. Look at all the businesses that cater to Latinos. America has been playing a dirty game. They have turned a blind eye to our southern borders to let in cheap labor. They realized that illegal aliens were walking around with wads of cash so the banks started drawing them in. They realized that they could pay them less or even off the books. So now a hotel owner in the sticks wants English only as his businesses official language. Right…….
I’m going to keep saying this:
In case anyone hasn’t notice, Latino’s have joined the ranks of America’s favorite whipping boy. There is an anti-Latino backlash because basically there are too many of them (don’t believe me…ask Lou Dobbs). It was alright when they were picking up trash and cutting grass. Now they want the false “America Dream” and that’s when the problems begin. Does Whitten have the right to make an English only rule? Yes he does. His problem was that he didn’t survey his present situation. He didn’t look at what he was working with before he opened his mouth. Who do you think is the most likely candidate for hotel work in Taos, New Mexico? It’s not black folks with a less than 1 percent population. And it sure as hell ain’t white folks (not in mass) washing sheets and making up beds. Whitten better learn the motto “work with watcha got”. Everywhere I go know I see Latino’s speaking in Spanish. It’s too late to stop them from speaking Spanish. Might I suggest Rossetta Stone?
Yeah, I heard about this, but I tried to reconcile it, but um, yeah, changing names for the sake of guests sensibilities is a hot mess.
Ride his ass outta town on a rail!
Brittanicus - Thanks for stopping by. You have given alot of information to digest. I will check it out.
Uppity - I'm sure they want to put him on the fastest things smoking but he is digging in. This should be interesting.
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