Friday, April 17, 2009

Back from Spring Break and people are still cooning!!!

With the unemployment rate for African Americans at 13%, it was good to see some African’s working. Oops… I keep forgetting they were pirates. Black pirates are not an everyday occurrence. It’s not like they are hanging out on the corner. There was the time in Atlanta when I saw a guy wearing a bandana and sash but I think he was gay. In other news, television personality Gokhan Tapkyn (I’m Missing The Turkish Written Pronunciation So This Is As Close As It Gets) wore black face in order to welcome President Obama to Turkey. But looks may be deceiving (BIG if on the word “may”). This might not be your simple case of racism. Listen and decide for yourself.


the uppity negro said...


I could use another a part two. Somewhere where the weather is a consistent 83 degrees with a light breeze...


That was a hawt mess. Just thought it needed to be said.

Citizen Ojo said...

GA was on spring break last week. That hail you had last Friday was no joke..